一致性指南 (Guidelines for Consistency)

一致性指南 (Guidelines for Consistency)

The following sets of Chinese and English translation guidelines should be followed.  It is of particular importance when several translators are handling the same document in a group.


Contents English Chinese Remarks
Date 12 January 2013





Twelfth of January, Two Thousand and Thirteen







Use Arabic numbers but in formal documents such as diplomas, fully written Chinese/English should be adopted.
Time 2:15 p.m.

2:15 a.m.


A Quarter past Two






Use Arabic numbers


In English/Chinese only

Arabic Numeric Number 1, 2, 3 …. 1, 2, 3 ….. No need to translate
Cardinal Number One, Two, Three ..





One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten


一、二、三 …








Translate into traditional Chinese character and vice versa


As used in cheques.

Ordinal Number (Linguistics) First (1st), Second (2nd), Third (3rd), Fourth (4th), Fifth (5th), Sixth (6th), Seventh (7th), Eighth (8th), Ninth (9th), Tenth (10th), ..


Half, One Third, One Fourth, ….








二分之一、三分之一、四分之一 …..

Translate into traditional Chinese character and vice versa



Address in English or Chinese Unit 2, 10 floor, Block 1, Phase 2, Kin Ho Building, 10 Au Pui Wan Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, the New Territories, Hong Kong. 香港新界沙田火炭坳背灣街10號金豪大廈1期10樓2室 Use Arabic numbers; English address starts from a small unit
Address in a language other than English or Chinese No.3 Raffles Place,

#06-01 Bharat Building,

SG 048617


#06-01 巴拉特大厦


No need to translate if the translator does not understand.  But do translate if you are sure that the translation is correct.
Foreign statute UK law e.g. Carriage by Air Act 1961 英国的Carriage by Air Act 1961
Foreign judge Lord Wilberforce Wilberforce勳爵
Books Time Magazine 《時代周刊》 Use italics in English
Quotation marks “I am a Chinese.” 「我是中國人。」 Full stop within quotation mark
Quotation mark within a parenthesis (hereinafter referred to “Supplier”) [以下簡稱「供應商」] Applicable to translation of litigation documents.
Space between sentences He is a school boy.  She is a school girl. 他是學童。她是學童。 Two spaces between sentences English. No space between those in Chinese.
Round and square brackets (   )






﹝   ﹞ Follow the requirements of Court translation. All round brackets in the English source text become square brackets in the Chinese target text and vice versa.


Name in English or Chinese Godfrey J. 高奕暉法官 Do translate as far as possible.

(the Chinese names of judges in HKSAR can be found at the website of Judiciary).


But if the judge is a foreign judge and has no Chinese name, do not need to translate into Chinese.

Presentation in 1st person “I” by a judge and “We” or “This Court” by the Judges I 本席




Names in language other than Chinese or English JUNI WONOWIDJOJO

(Indonesian name)

No need to translate.  It is easy to make mistakes if you do not know the language.
Left- and- right Alignment Example of aligning to the left:

Some proper and geographical names can be found in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary.


Example of aligning to the right:

Some proper and geographical names can be found in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary

Align text to the left unless you are told to do otherwise.
Symbol used to show likely  mistake in the source text “mmm” (sic) “mmm” (原文如此) The symbol is used after a word which is not spelt or used correctly.
Margin Allow 3cm margin on all sides, top, bottom, left and right Allow 3cm margin on all sides: top, bottom, left and right
Line space 1.5 spacing (for documents other than those for courts)


Double line spacing

(for court)

1.5 spacing (for documents other than those for court)


Double line spacing

(for court)

Font Times New Roman in size 14 新細明體 in size 14


(NB: For Chinese characters in transcript used by court, “font 15” and “character spacing extended 2” should be selected.)

(1)    Further information on documents translated for court, see attached files.

(2)    For installing characters for Cantonese slangs, please refer to screen shots below.

Percentage 20% 百分之二十
Currency Renminbi 人民幣







如果是Windows, 可以如圖安裝香港口語字庫:


如果不是Window7, 可能要先下載香港政府的香港補充字元集(HKSCS):